A logo is a small but powerful graphic symbol that represents the identity of a company/product/service or website. To be precise, your logo is a bridge between your business and your audience. However, some people think that logo designing is a very easy job, because it’s so small when compared to website design. They think that logo designers need to draw a symbol like “Olympic rings” or a stylish font like “Nike” and their job is done.

The fact is, a logo may look very small, but a designer spends countless hours to conceptualize that small design. Sometimes people buy any product when they see a trustworthy logo on it. For instance, when you think of Ferrari, what product comes to your mind? Fast cars, right? Ferrari is world famous for their ravishing cars, but they sell perfumes as well. While a car manufacturer has nothing to do with perfumes, people still buy their perfume, because there is a Ferrari logo on those perfume bottles.

When you take a look at the world famous logos, you will see that their designers always brought a new element in their design. While some designer used unique shapes and symbols, some played with color combination and some artists have manipulated font styles. An original logo can make any business noticeable, but if you think that there is a formula for successful logo design, then you are wrong.

If you are working with logo and web designing company and offer custom logo services to your clients, then you must know that every project brings a new challenge and you have to plan your logo design according to the requirements of your client. Nobody can say that use this color or that symbol in your logo and it will be successful. There is no fixed recipe for a professional logo design. If you want to offer quality logo design solutions, then you have to learn throughout your career and keep improving your skills. Here are some of the essential tips that will help you design an original logo and become a better designer.
  • For an Original Logo Design, You Need to Do a Lot of Work- Designing an original logo is a time consuming and tiresome process. Your design must reflect your client’s industry, but at the same time it must have some distinct elements. You have to do some research on your client, evaluate his competitors’ logo design and plan your design strategy accordingly.
You can’t just draw a sketch on a paper and say, “this design is final”. Good designers draw dozens of sketch, experiment with colors and fonts; take their client’s feedback and then start working on the chosen design. You can be a talented designer and may have numerous designing ideas, but only talent can’t help you become a famous designer. If you are talented and hardworking, only then you can achieve success.
  • Don’t Design a “Different” Logo, Design the “Best” Logo- Designing a “different” logo does not mean you are designing a memorable logo. For instance, most of the environment related companies use green color and some kind of tree symbol in their logo. If you try to be “different” and use an orange leaf to design the logo of an environment related company, your design will fail. You can always offer a refreshing perspective, but your perspective must obey the standard designing rules. What I mean is, you can also use green color and leaf symbol in your client’s logo, but make sure that your design is the most beautiful one.

  • Balance All the Elements- When you are designing a logo, always remember that there is no need to add too many elements in your design. Too much colors and shapes can actually confuse the viewers. Simple but unique ideas help you design a memorable logo. Simple and balanced design is always better because anyone can understand the meaning of your logo at a first glimpse.

  • Don’t Follow Trends- Try to avoid logo design trends and use your own imagination. When you use your own ideas, you can easily grab your audience’s attention. People have seen several “trendy” logo and if you follow contemporary trends, nobody will appreciate your skills.
Sometimes your client may insist you to follow a particular trend. In such cases, explain the shortcomings of logo design trends. Tell your client that trends come and go every year, and if he follows a particular trend then he has to redesign his logo a couple of years later. The so called “trendy” logos are not timeless classic.
  • Take Inspiration, but Never Copy- When a client hires you for his corporate logo design; he expects that you will design an original logo. Nobody wants to pay a designer who simply copies other designers’ work. If you love any designer’s work, then you can follow his style, take inspiration from his designs, but never steal your favorite designer’s design.
Logo design is a fusion of creativity and hard work. While you need to think of a design that looks absolutely stunning, your design must obey the standard designing principles as well. Read logo design blogs, books, tutorials and always strive to achieve perfection.